Inside the Ammu-Nation store of the North Point Mall, some of the displayed Beretta 92F pistols have elongated slides, while others have shortened slides (like the Beretta 85FS). They infamously leaked almost every movie of the upcoming Hindi dubbed Hollywood, Tamil. It is carried by the VCPD, National Guard Soldiers (anachronistic, because the military wouldn't adopt the Beretta until 1985, a year after the game is set), and most gangsters. It holds 17 rounds, as opposed to the real weapon's usual 15-round capacity (real 17-round Beretta magazines have a deeper base, and weren't available during the game's setting). By extension, Che Robina's 'Little Havana Cafe' is a reference to the 'Little Havana. The entire district of Little Havana is a reference to various Cuban shops from the film.

One of the game's major influences comes from the 1983 film Scarface, which also deals with a newcomer in Miami creating his drug empire. The Beretta 92F is the standard pistol in the game. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is set within an 80's themed parody of Miami. In 1984, the studio is under management of Reni Wassulmaier, who used the. In 1986, it serves as a pornographic film studio for pornographic film director Steve Scott. GTA Vice City remaster is pretty much a home run if there ever was one in the games industry. The studio is located on Prawn Island, Vice City. Click on the movie and then click on the Download Button.

As of 1986, the studio is owned by Tommy Vercetti. 3.4 Heckler & Koch MP5K "Reverse Stretch" InterGlobal Films is a film studio that appears in both Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.